The United States of no states?

The United States of no states?

What would America look like if there were no state governments? Stephen H. Legomsky, the John S. Lehmann University Professor Emeritus at WashU Law, tackles that question in his new book, “Reimagining the American Union: The Case for Abolishing State Government,” published by Cambridge University Press.
‘The Wolves’ opens Feb. 21 in Edison Theatre

‘The Wolves’ opens Feb. 21 in Edison Theatre

Nine players take to the pitch. The competition is fast, creative and ruthless. And that’s before they meet the other team. In “The Wolves,” which opens Feb. 21 in Edison Theatre, Pulitzer-nominated playwright Sarah DeLappe captures the raw energy, unfiltered banter and accumulating pressure of an elite girls’ soccer team.
Helping herps in Central America

Helping herps in Central America

Tasman Ezra, a graduate student in biology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, founded a conservation organization dedicated to conserving reptiles, amphibians and their habitats in Honduras.
WashU Medicine launches center for rare diseases

WashU Medicine launches center for rare diseases

WashU Medicine has launched the Center for Rare, Undiagnosed and Genetic Diseases, which brings together researchers and patient communities to create a collaborative network to drive innovative research and accelerate drug discovery.
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