Occupational therapy clinic breaks ground in Delmar Maker District

Occupational therapy clinic breaks ground in Delmar Maker District

Over the last year, a team of architects, medical professionals and engineers from Washington University in St. Louis and Chicago-based architecture firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill have explored questions about building design and people’s health through interdisciplinary design studios and seminars. Now that research is bearing fruit. On Nov. 11, a new Smart Home for Occupational Therapy Healing — aka SMOOTH House — will break ground in St. Louis’ Delmar Maker District.
Election Day is Nov. 8

Election Day is Nov. 8

On Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8, and the Athletic Complex is ready to welcome students, faculty and staff who are registered to vote in St. Louis County. Polls are open from 6 a.m.-7 p.m. Also, join in a party with live music and free food.
Polarized X-rays reveal shape, orientation of extremely hot matter around black hole

Polarized X-rays reveal shape, orientation of extremely hot matter around black hole

New measurements from Cygnus X-1, reported Nov. 3 in the journal Science, represent the first observations of a mass-accreting black hole from the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) mission, an international collaboration between NASA and the Italian Space Agency. The lead author of the new study is physicist Henric Krawczynski in Arts & Sciences.
Worsening racial inequality in home appraisals detailed in new report

Worsening racial inequality in home appraisals detailed in new report

Using data from the newly released Uniform Appraisal Dataset, which includes 47.3 million home appraisals conducted over the last decade, WashU’s Elizabeth Korver-Glenn and Junia Howell of the University of Illinois Chicago demonstrate stark inequalities in appraisal values between homes in white neighborhoods and communities of color.
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