Pappu lab untangles more IDR secrets

Pappu lab untangles more IDR secrets

Rohit Pappu’s latest look at intrinsically disordered regions of proteins explains why some sequences behave in different ways. His paper was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Class Acts: Gabriella Smith

Class Acts: Gabriella Smith

Gabriella Smith, a senior biology major in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, is a champion for access to mental health services. She hopes to combine her passion for working with children with her leadership skills to pursue a career in medicine that incorporates patient care, research and advocacy.
Class Acts: Elizabeth Saliba

Class Acts: Elizabeth Saliba

McKelvey School of Engineering senior Elizabeth Saliba is committed to designing a more sustainable future. During her time at Washington University, she has helped design modular classroom prototypes for an elementary school south of St. Louis and a net-zero energy occupational therapy clinic to be built on Delmar Boulevard.
WashU researchers help identify national priorities for planetary science

WashU researchers help identify national priorities for planetary science

William B. McKinnon and Paul Byrne, both in Arts & Sciences at Washington University, played important roles in developing a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. It identifies scientific priorities and funding recommendations to maximize the advancement of planetary science in the next decade.
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