Fighting loneliness by finding purpose

Fighting loneliness by finding purpose

A sense of purpose in life — whether it’s a high-minded quest to make a difference or a simple hobby with personal meaning — can offer potent protection against loneliness, according to research from Patrick Hill in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis.
New pathway discovered for RNA degradation

New pathway discovered for RNA degradation

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis found the first abiotic pathway for RNA hydrolysis in iron-rich soils and sediments. Understanding how RNA breaks down under given conditions is critical to harnessing the molecule for use in emerging technologies.
Schaal elected member of American Philosophical Society

Schaal elected member of American Philosophical Society

Barbara A. Schaal, the Mary-Dell Chilton Distinguished Professor in the Department of Biology in Arts & Sciences, was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in May. Schaal was among the first scientists to use molecular biology-based approaches to understand evolutionary processes in plants.
Missouri native is flowering earlier due to climate change

Missouri native is flowering earlier due to climate change

Biologist Matthew Austin in Arts & Sciences published a study in the American Journal of Botany that describes changes to the flowering time and other important life cycle events in Leavenworthia species, a group of small flowering plants found in glades in Missouri.
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