Pediatric Diagnostic Medicine

Pediatric Diagnostic Medicine

A Collection of Cases

Using a practical, case-based  presentation, Pediatric Diagnostic Medicine helps you develop diagnostic skills, gain further knowledge through interesting cases, and improve critical thinking to reach a correct diagnosis. Dr. Andrew J. White, vice chair of education and director of the residency program at Washington University in St. Louis, presents dozens of real-world cases highlighted by full-color photographs. This unique case collection is an invaluable resource for pediatricians, […]

Garcia receives NIH grants

Benjamin Garcia, head of biochemistry and molecular biophysics at the School of Medicine, along with Matthew D. Weitzman, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, received a five-year $2.9 million renewal grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for their research on epitranscriptomic mechanisms.
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