Martin receives grant for African American religions project

Martin receives grant for African American religions project

Lerone A. Martin, at the university’s John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics, along with colleagues at Princeton University and the University of Pennsylvania, has received a $1 million grant from the Henry Luce Foundation to advance public understanding of the history, politics and cultures of African American religions.
Religion and the 2020 election

Religion and the 2020 election

According to Lerone A. Martin, director of American Culture Studies and associate professor of religion and politics and of African and African-American studies, all in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, modern evangelical voters have supported political candidates for myriad reasons, not all of which are in line with traditional Christian values.
Since 1948

Since 1948

Israeli Literature in the Making

A portrait of Israeli literature in its full transnational and multilingual complexity. Toward the end of the twentieth century, an unprecedented surge of writing altered the Israeli literary scene in profound ways. As fresh creative voices and multiple languages vied for recognition, diversity replaced consensus. Genres once accorded lower status—such as the graphic novel and […]
Judge Barrett’s religion not a confirmation issue

Judge Barrett’s religion not a confirmation issue

Questions about Amy Coney Barrett’s religious affiliation and beliefs have dominated public discussion since President Trump announced that she was his pick to fill the U.S. Supreme Court seat left vacant by Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing. While her Catholicism is considered controversial by some, should it impact her confirmation? A Washington University in St. Louis law professor weighs in.
What does science tell us about Adam and Eve?

What does science tell us about Adam and Eve?

In his book The Genealogical Adam & Eve: Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry, S. Joshua Swamidass, MD, associate professor of Pathology & Immunology in the School of Medicine and of Biomedical Engineering in the McKelvey School of Engineering, uses science to show that Adam and Eve could have existed and that theology and science don’t lie nearly so far apart.
Living faithfully in a world of difference

Living faithfully in a world of difference

In a society that is increasingly diverse yet less tolerant, how can Christians live faithfully while respecting those whose beliefs are radically different? A Washington University in St. Louis scholar says before we can find common ground with others, we must start by acknowledging and being comfortable with our own beliefs that make us different.
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