Arvidson, rover team recognized by National Space Club
The team that worked on the Mars exploration rovers Spirit and Opportunity received the Distinguished Science Award from the Huntsville, Ala., chapter of the National Space Club. The award recognizes outstanding contributions in research and discovery that expand knowledge and understanding of space. Raymond Arvidson, the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor in Arts & Sciences, is the mission’s deputy principal investigator.
New photo-responsive hydrogels developed with eye on biomedical applications
Researchers in Jonathan Barnes’ laboratory in Arts & Sciences have developed a new light-sensitive hydrogel with improved biocompatibility compared with similar materials. Down the line, these materials may be particularly suited for medical uses like prosthetics or transplantable organs.
Moeller recognized for excellence in organic chemistry
Kevin Moeller, professor of chemistry in Arts & Sciences, will receive a 2020 Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award for excellence in organic chemistry. The Cope Scholar Award is a national award sponsored by the Arthur C. Cope Fund and administered by the American Chemical Society. Only 10 recipients each year receive the award.
WashU Expert: This year, let’s make standard time permanent
A Washington University in St. Louis expert on circadian rhythms says the country should be on standard time permanently. The science behind the choice is clear: standard time is better in terms of sleep, cardiac function, weight, cancer risk and alcohol and tobacco consumption.
DOE funds new physics research in dark matter
While evidence for dark matter is strong, the nature of dark matter has remained a mystery. James H. Buckley, professor of physics in Arts & Sciences, is part of a research team searching for axions — very light, invisible particles streaming through the cosmos.
Bose wins new grant for Gateway Science Summer Program
Arpita Bose, assistant professor of biology in Arts & Sciences, was awarded a second “Changing the Face of STEM” mentoring grant from L’Oreal USA to continue a summer laboratory research program for low-income high school students in St. Louis.
Climate scientist Konecky named Packard Fellow
Bronwen Konecky, assistant professor of earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences, is among 22 early-career scientists and engineers across the United States honored Oct. 15 as a 2019 Packard Fellow.
Obituary: Harold Levin, professor emeritus in Arts & Sciences, 90
A memorial service is planned Nov. 18 at Washington University in St. Louis for Harold L. Levin, professor emeritus of earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences, who died July 16, 2019, in St. Louis. He was 90.
NSF funds research on nitrogen fixation
Himadri B. Pakrasi, professor of biology in Arts & Sciences and director of InCEES, was recently awarded a $1.2-million grant for a collaborative study of cyanobacteria with the ultimate purpose of producing nitrogen-fixing crop plants.
Washington People: Stan Braude
Stan Braude, professor of practice in biology, is a talented teacher who instills in his students the skills they need to prepare for life outside of Washington University. Take it from his students, though — because if you ask him, he will give all the credit to Joe (his St. Bernard).
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