Institute for Public Health opens its membership

Affiliation being offered to individuals outside WUSTL

In an effort to engage individuals outside of Washington University in St. Louis, the Institute for Public Health is offering affiliation to those working in public health or related disciplines worldwide.

Scientists, physicians or employees in a county health department are examples of individuals who would qualify.

Interested individuals must complete an application that will be reviewed by the institute’s director and deputy director. If accepted, renewals of affiliation would occur every three years.

Associates with the institute will have the opportunity to meet and collaborate with others who are working in the field of public health. Associates will receive mailings about public health events and opportunities and be invited to present posters at the institute’s annual conference. They also will receive invitations to serve on institute workgroups and planning teams.

In return, associates will be required to inform the institute about individual or organizational public health opportunities.

The goal of the institute is to improve community and international health through the creation of new knowledge, the application and translation of science, and the training of advanced academic and practice leaders in public health.

To access the application to become an associate, visit