WHO: Washington University’s Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton; David W. Kemper, chairman of its board of trustees; Salvatore P. Sutera, dean of the School of Engineering & Applied Science; Frank C-P Yin, the Stephen F. & Camilla T. Brauer Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering and chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering; Pratim Biswas, the Stifel & Quinette Jens Professor of Environmental Engineering Science and chair of the Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering; Melissa Holtmeyer, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering; and Stephen F. & Camilla T. Brauer
WHAT: A groundbreaking ceremony for a new building devoted to state-of-the-art teaching and research in energy and environmental engineering at Washington University’s School of Engineering & Applied Science. The building, which will be named in honor of Stephen F. and Camilla T. Brauer, will be east of and adjoining to Whitaker Hall, home of the biomedical engineering department.
WHERE: Parking lot adjacent to Whitaker Hall, near the corner of Skinker Boulevard and Forest Park Parkway. From Forest Park Parkway, enter Danforth Campus at Hoyt Drive. Turn at first left (east) into parking lot.
WHEN: 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2008. The actual groundbreaking is scheduled for 1:45 p.m. A reception in Whitaker Hall will follow at 2 p.m.
MORE: Stephen Brauer, current vice chair and chair-elect of Washington University’s board of trustees and chair of the School of Engineering’s National Council, joined the board of trustees in 1991, and has championed the goal of accelerating Washington University’s ascent among the world’s premier universities and building a leading engineering school.
Brauer, former U.S. ambassador to Belgium, is chairman of Hunter Engineering Co., a leading manufacturer of computer-based, automotive service equipment for the global market, headquartered in St. Louis. Camilla Brauer is a prominent figure in local cultural and civic organizations and has been recognized nationally for her volunteer work as a fund-raiser.
When the Stephen F. & Camilla T. Brauer Hall is completed in 2010, the 150,875-square-foot facility will serve as home for the School of Engineering’s Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering, provide space for the International Center for Advanced Renewable Energy & Sustainability, and share facilities with the university’s highly successful Department of Biomedical Engineering.