Kenneth M. Ludmerer, M.D., professor of medicine in the School of Medicine and of history in Arts & Sciences, was recently inducted as a master of the American College of Physicians. Ludmerer was one of only 45 physicians nationwide elected to mastership in 2005 at the college’s annual meeting in San Francisco.
Mastership is the highest level achievable in the organization, and only a small group of highly distinguished physicians receive the honor. The distinction recognizes physicians who exhibit preeminence in practice or medical research, hold positions of high honor or make significant contributions to medical science or the art of medicine.
According to the American College of Physicians, mastership is bestowed “in recognition of exceedingly stellar career accomplishments and service to the college.”
The American College of Physicians is the largest medical-specialty organization and the second-largest physician group in the United States. Membership includes more than 116,000 physicians, medical students, residents and fellows. The college works to enhance the quality and effectiveness of health care by fostering excellence and professionalism in the practice of medicine.
In addition to practicing and teaching internal medicine, Ludmerer studies the history of medicine and medical education.
Ludmerer first gained national attention in 1985 with his second book, Learning to Heal: The Development of American Medical Education.
His third book, Time to Heal: American Medical Education From the Turn of the Century to the Era of Managed Care, expands on the topic, further examining the history of American medical education. Both books were nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.
In 1997, the college also awarded Ludmerer the Nicholas E. Davies Memorial Scholar Award for his outstanding contributions to humanism in medicine and for his historical insight into today’s medical education problems.