Kenneth R. Seeskin, the Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence and Professor of Philosophy at Northwestern University, will discuss “Can God Be Known? A Maimonidean Perplexity” in a lecture at 7:30 p.m. April 1 in the Arts & Sciences Laboratory Science Building, Room 300.
Seeskin specializes in Jewish philosophy, ancient and medieval philosophy and philosophy of religion. His work uses classic texts in the history of philosophy to shed light on problems of perennial interest.
His latest book is Autonomy in Jewish Philosophy. Previous books include Searching for a Distant God: The Legacy of Maimonides; Jewish Philosophy in a Secular Age; and Maimonides: A Guide for Today’s Perplexed.
Seeskin has won several teaching awards at Northwestern and serves as the editor of the State University of New York Press series in Jewish philosophy. Currently, he is editing the Cambridge Companion to Maimonides.
His lecture, free and open to the public, is supported by The Adam Cherrick Fund in Jewish Studies and sponsored by the Arts & Sciences programs in Jewish, Islamic & Near Eastern Studies and in Religious Studies.
Seeskin’s talk, the ninth in a series of annual Cherrick lectures, will be presented in memory of Steven Schwarzschild, a professor of philosophy and Jewish studies for 24 years at Washington University.
A reception will follow Seeskin’s presentation.
For further information, contact Iris Wright (935-8567; or go online to