Washington University School of Medicine and BJC HealthCare are planning to build a 12- to 14-story office building on the site of the Storz Building on the Medical Campus.
The building, at 4570 Children’s Place, will provide about 40,000 square feet of space per floor and will house offices for the dean and administrative staff and corporate offices for BJC HealthCare. It also will include a WUSM/BJH joint security center, a bookstore and café, and conference rooms.
Some BJC offices now housed in the Center for Outpatient Health (COH) and Barnes-Jewish Hospital and medical school faculty and staff offices at other locations will move into the new building. This relocation will allow for more medical school faculty space and clinic space at the COH and at other facilities on campus.
“This new facility is critical to the long-range plan to expand clinical care on the Medical Campus and will allow key ambulatory growth,” said Melissa Hopkins, the medical school’s assistant vice chancellor and assistant dean of facilities operations. ”It also provides an exciting opportunity to begin to collaborate more closely with our medical center partners in operational services, security, emergency planning and communications.”
Before the Storz building opened in 1946, the site was used to store coal needed to fuel the nearby power plant. Coal was delivered by rail to the plant, which now uses natural gas to produce electricity. The new building has yet to be named.
The Storz building currently houses geriatric medicine, weight management and infectious diseases medical offices.
Demolition of the Storz building likely will take place this summer. The new building is expected to be completed in 2017.
Christner Inc. is designing the building; Clayco Corp. is the construction management firm.