Arts & Sciences faculty (from left) Jami L. Ake, PhD, John M. Doris, PhD, Mark Rollins, PhD, and Douglas L. Chalker, PhD, were recognized for their teaching and leadership during Arts & Sciences’ annual faculty reception Sept. 10 in Holmes Lounge, Ridgley Hall. Ake and Chalker both received the Distinguished Teaching Award; Doris received the David Hadas Teaching Award; and Rollins received the Distinguished Leadership Award. In addition to presenting the faculty awards, Barbara A. Schaal, PhD, dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences and the Mary-Dell Chilton Distinguished Professor, also introduced the school’s new faculty and gave a review of research highlights from the summer. For more on the Arts & Sciences 2014 faculty award winners, visit here. (Credit: Mary Butkus/WUSTL Photos)