Faces of Hope celebration April 7

Annual event features best of WUSTL community service; speakers to focus on ‘From the Local to the Global’

A poster session in the Whitaker Hall Atrium shows the many ways members of the WUSTL community are involved in the community at large.
A poster session in the Whitaker Hall Atrium shows the many ways members of the WUSTL community are involved in the community at large.

Students, faculty, staff and members of the St. Louis community are invited to the fourth annual Faces of Hope, a celebration of civic engagement and community service, at 4 p.m. Thursday, April 7, in Whitaker Hall Atrium and Auditorium.

The event is sponsored by the Gephardt Institute for Public Service at Washington University in St. Louis.

“During this time of unrest in the Middle East and a major natural disaster in Japan, it is important to remember the ways in which we can all make small differences to help our communities,” says Robin Hattori, assistant director of the Gephardt Institute.

“Faces of Hope presents that opportunity for the Washington University community.”

This year’s theme is “From the Local to the Global.” Speakers from Meds & Food for Kids in Haiti, The Blessing Basket Project and Engineers Without Borders each will share how their organizations involve the local community in social change across borders.

A reception will follow Faces of Hope and will include a poster session displaying service initiatives across the university.

Posters will range from Campus Y youth development programs, to Olin Business School service-learning classes and campus ministry spring break service trips.

“It is a busy time of year on campus, but I highly recommend taking some time out to join in this celebration,” Hattori says.

“Faces of Hope shows the many ways in which our students, faculty and staff have worked in partnership with local, national, and international communities to foster positive social change,” she says.

For more information and to RSVP, contact the Gephardt Institute at (314) 935-8628 or email gephardtinstitute@wustl.edu.