Robert Boston
Will Ross, MD (second from left), associate professor of medicine and associate dean for diversity, receives congratulations for receiving the Humanism in Medicine nomination from (from left) Elaine Khoong, president of the School of Medicine Class of 2013; Ryan Anderson, president of the Class of 2012; and David Levine, medical education representative for the Class of 2012, at the Distinguished Service Teaching Awards Oct. 28 at the Eric P. Newman Education Center. Ross was named the School of Medicine’s nominee for the national Humanism in Medicine award presented annually by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The award recognizes medical school faculty physicians who exemplify the qualities of a caring and compassionate mentor in the teaching and advising of medical students. Each school nominates one faculty member, and a national winner is named each year during the annual AAMC conference this week. This year, the winner was announced Nov. 6. Also at the Oct. 28 event, School of Medicine students gave Distinguished Service Teaching Awards to more than 40 faculty and 10 resident physicians in appreciation of exemplary service in medical student education.