Outlet: ABC NEWS
Title/Program: Marfan, Loeys-Dietz checklist may help diagnosis
Publication Date: 08/05/2010
Extract: A simple “signs-and-symptoms” checklist could help primary care physicians spot patients with Marfan syndrome or Loeys-Dietz syndrome — genetic conditions that, if untreated, can be deadly, suggest new studies in the August issue of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. In a related news video, Washington University’s Dr. Alan Braverman says certain signs are red flags and offers tips on spotting them. Link to article and online video
Title/Program: Law student union summer inspires next generation of labor lawyers
Publication Date: 08/05/2010
Extract: Krysten Skogstad, a soon-to-be third-year law student at Washington University Law School in St. Louis, is one of nine law students who spent 10 weeks as AFL-CIO Law Student Union Summer (LSUS) interns working with labor lawyers across the country. Students were involved in community outreach, member mobilization, corporate research, legislative campaigns and general litigation, canvassing, planning and implementing solidarity-building activities and participating in meetings and home visits. Skogstad spent most of her internship working with UNITE HERE! Local 226 in Las Vegas helping workers at the Stations Casino exercise their freedom to join a union. Link to Article
Outlet: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Title/Program: Some prostate cancer patients endure less pain in the hospital • Calypso System at Barnes-Jewish uses transponders to pinpoint radiation treatments
Publication Date: 08/05/2010
Extract: Some prostate cancer patients are experiencing less painful treatments, and Dr. Jeff Michalski, a radiation oncologist at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Siteman Cancer Center, likes to think that the Calypso System had something to do with this. With the Calypso System, tiny transponders are implanted around the cancer site in the prostate during outpatient surgery while the patient is under local anesthetic. The transponders allow the clinician to aim the radiation at the cancer cells with laser-like efficiency. And if the prostate shifts during any of the treatments, the transponders immediately send a signal to the clinician, who stops the radiation and shifts the patient so that the transponders and the cancer site are back in proper position. The Calypso System might be useful when radiating many different types of cancer, Michalski said, but it’s especially helpful when treating prostate cancer. Read Full Text
Outlet: detnews.com
Title/Program: ‘Gap year’ picks up steam
Publication Date: 08/05/2010
Extract: The gap year option — putting off college for a year after high school or before graduate school — seems to be picking up steam. Jenny Sander’s gap year experience was overseas — in Israel — but with an unexpected conclusion. The 2006 high school grad thought she had her future mapped out: pre-med, med school, “that whole track.” But first came the gap year, a program called Nativ, sponsored by United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. After that year she entered Washington University in St. Louis and soon decided she did not want to go to medical school. Her year in Israel made her realize “there’s a whole lot more out there than what I always thought I wanted to do,” she says. Her new major is international studies with a minor in women and gender studies. Link to Article
Outlet: The Christian Science Monitor
Title/Program: Virginia follows lead of Arizona immigration law, carefully
Publication Date: 08/04/2010
Extract: Federal Judge Susan Bolton deemed that Arizona’s immigration law went too far in requiring police officers to check immigration papers for people they suspected of being in the United States illegally. However, Washington University law professor Stephen Legomsky disagrees that the Obama administration has somehow sided with lawbreakers. Instead, he says, the issue is about the extent to which going after otherwise law-abiding illegals would undermine efforts to apprehend undocumented residents who pose serious criminal or national-security risks. Link to article
Outlet: Daily News
Title/Program: UCLA, Princeton top gay-friendly colleges list
Publication Date: 08/04/2010
Extract: WUSTL is among 19 of the most gay-friendly post-secondary institutions in the United States. The list, spearheaded by Campus Pride, an advocacy organization for LGBT college students, is topped by 19 universities and colleges with a five-star ranking, the highest since the first list was organized in 2007. Link to Article
Outlet: West End Word
Title/Program: Science Center looks to expand educational partnerships
Publication Date: 08/04/2010
Extract: Twenty-five years after opening the James S. McDonnell Planetarium and launching a capital campaign to build the rest of its complex, the St. Louis Science Center has announced that it will build another addition. Science Center President and CEO Doug King announced during his State of the Science Center speech that in addition to physically expanding, the Science Center must expand its educational horizons by creating more topical, adult-oriented programs and by partnering with local centers for science and innovation, including Boeing, Monsanto and the medical schools at Washington University and St. Louis University. Link to Article
News in higher education
Outlet: MarketWatch
Title/Program: Buffett, Gates convince 38 others give away half of their fortunes
Publication Date: 08/05/2010
Excerpt: Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett said Wednesday that 40 of America’s richest people publicly pledged to give away at least half their money to charity, a move that could pump about $60 billion into philanthropy. Link to Article
Outlet: St. Louis Suburban Journals
Title/Program: STL group to push for more college grads
Publication Date: 07/31/2010
Excerpt: The United States has sunk to No.12 in the world in terms of the number of young adults with college degrees, and the mayoral duo of Paul Lambi and Francis Slay are trying to do something about it. Lambi and business partner Ed Watkins held a news conference Wednesday in St. Charles to focus on the national problem. The U.S. once led the world in the percentage of 25- to 34-year-olds with a college degree, whether it be an associate’s, bachelor’s or master’s.
Outlet: Wall Street Journal
Title/Program: No more new kid on campus
Publication Date: 08/05/2010
Excerpt: College students are turning to online roommate matching services to avoid getting paired with as stranger. Link to Article
Outlet: Wall Street Journal
Title/Program: Foreign Schools Target U.S. Professors
Publication Date: 08/05/ 2010
Excerpt: Demand for Western-trained faculty grows as business programs in Asia work to build clout, attract brightest students Link to Article
Outlet: Chicago Tribune
Title/Program: Are students, parents too connected?
Publication Date: 08/05/2010
Excerpt: Advice just a click away, but some say easy access hinders independence. Link to Article
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