Evidence for quark stars is in short supply, with only a handful of observed candidates. Yet new calculations by an international group of theorists paint a better picture of the nature of quark stars, and suggest that they might be easier to spot than previously thought, suggests an article published Jan. 15 at PhysicsWorld.com.
“The main conclusion of our work,” study author Aleksi Vuorinen tells the magazine, “is that there is a clear signature for the possible detection of quark stars – and thus stable strange quark matter.”
But Mark Alford, a WUSTL physicist who uses mathematical modeling to explore the properties of quark stars, contends that the mathematical theory used in Vuorinen’s study is only truly accurate when the quarks are millions of times denser than they are in real neutron stars.

“When they talk about neutron stars, they are extrapolating their calculation into a region where it is not reliable,” he told the magazine. “However, this is an improvement on what was available beforehand…this paper is actually a real step forwards.”
Vuorinen’s study is available as a preprint.
Read the full news article at PhysicsWorld.com.
For more information on Alford’s research, see links below:
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