Tip sheets highlight timely news and events at Washington University in St. Louis. For more information on any of the stories below or for assistance in arranging interviews, please see the contact information listed with each story.
Jobs for grads
Corporate recruiting on the rise; biggest hiring increases in financial services and healthcare industries

Overall hiring activity has increased in all industry sectors this year, according to Gregory Hutchings, Associate Dean and Executive Director of Career Resources at the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis. “Last year was probably one of the worst hiring markets for newly minted grads in the last 10 or 15 years, but we have seen a substantial increase in employers coming to campus this year with about a 30 to 40 percent increase,” says Hutchings.
‘Do not call’ ruling
Recent Circuit Court decision on ‘Do Not Call’ lists may not be the end of the line; telemarketers could appeal to Supreme Court

Americans anxious to handover power to a sovereign Iraqi government by June 30 should remember it took 10 years for Allied Forces to return similar powers to Germany following World War II, says WUSTL political expert Victor Le Vine. Iraq, like post-war Germany, is now considered debellatio — its government no longer exists under international law. And, like it or not, the United States is stuck in Iraq until a new government is formed, a process that hinges on some very contentious constitution making. As part of an international conference on post-conflict constitutional reconstruction, Le Vine spent two years examining some 20 cases of constitution making in countries torn by war, revolution, rebellion and internal collapse. His analysis suggests that Iraqi nation-building will be both “painful and agonizingly difficult.”
Visual arts play important role in business
Survey reveals perceptions and insights to help forge common ground between business and art cultures

The perception is that art and business speak different languages, inhabit different worlds, and “orbit different suns,” says Jeff Pike, Dean of the School of Art at Washington University in St. Louis. But in reality, the visual arts play an active role in business culture, he says. The Washington University School of Art surveyed how artists and businesspeople view each other and came up with some important insights.