Life after prostate cancer focus of lecture

The Division of Urologic Surgery will host a public lecture for prostate cancer survivors from 7-8:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Eric P. Newman Education Center.

The lecture is titled “Life After Prostate Cancer” and will focus on the challenges a prostate cancer survivor and his wife faced.

The event’s guest speaker will be cancer survivor Richard Howe, Ph.D., former president and chief operating officer of the Pennzoil Co. Howe had a prostatectomy in 1991 and experienced erectile dysfunction and incontinence for several years following the surgery. Since then, he has helped more than 3,000 survivors cope with the effects of prostate cancer surgery.

Howe’s wife, Desiree, author of the book His Prostate and Me, will also share her unique perspective as the partner of a prostate cancer survivor.

After these presentations, urologist Arnold Bullock, M.D., assistant professor of surgery, will be available for a question-and-answer session. Educational materials detailing advancements in treating the side effects of prostate cancer will also be available.

To reserve a seat or for more information, call 362-6711.