Synthetic data mimics real patient data, accurately models COVID-19 pandemic

Synthetic data mimics real patient data, accurately models COVID-19 pandemic

Research led by the School of Medicine has demonstrated that analyzing synthetic data generated from real COVID-19 patients accurately replicates the results of the same analyses conducted on the real patient data. The school has been a national leader in deploying and evaluating technology for the production of synthetic data, which is key for data-sharing collaborations.

Oh to research molecular hematology

Stephen T. Oh, MD, PhD, associate professor of medicine and of pathology and immunology at the School of Medicine, received a five-year $2.46 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for molecular hematology training.

Kornfeld receives Roscoe O. Brady Award

Stuart A. Kornfeld, MD, the David C. and Betty Farrell Distinguished Professor of Medicine at the School of Medicine, has received the 2022 Roscoe O. Brady Award for Innovation and Accomplishment from the WORLDSymposium, a research conference dedicated to lysosomal diseases.
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