‘Access to Justice’ is focus of law speaker series

‘Access to Justice’ is focus of law speaker series

The 2018-19 “Access to Justice” Public Interest Law & Policy Speakers Series at Washington University School of Law in St. Louis will address a spectrum of high-profile issues including American politics, immigration policy, the U.S. Supreme Court, the #MeToo movement, criminal forensics and gun violence. The first speaker is Jonah Goldberg, political analyst and senior editor for the National Review, Tuesday, Sept. 18.
Joy elected to American Law Institute

Joy elected to American Law Institute

Peter Joy, the Henry Hitchcock Professor of Law and director of the Criminal Justice Clinic, has been elected one of 34 new members of the American Law Institute.
Appleton wins Dukeminier Prize

Appleton wins Dukeminier Prize

Susan Appleton, the Lemma Barkeloo & Phoebe Couzins Professor of Law, has been awarded a Dukeminier Prize from the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law for her writing on family law.
An appreciation of the rule of law

An appreciation of the rule of law

When she was 10, Shirley Padmore Mensah survived a coup in her native Liberia. Due to that and encouragement from her father, Mensah studied at Washington University’s School of Law eventually becoming a judge in Missouri with a deep appreciation of the rule of law.
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