Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum showcases modern and contemporary prints

Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum showcases modern and contemporary prints

Printmaking is a distinctive artistic practice that draws from a range of technical traditions. For many artists, this hybrid nature can lend itself to a range of experimental approaches, particularly around issues of multiplicity, seriality and mass communication. This spring, the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum at Washington University in St. Louis will present three new exhibitions that together explore the modern history and contemporary evolution of printed and editioned artworks.
University faculty among Chouteau Greenway finalists

University faculty among Chouteau Greenway finalists

Four faculty members from the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts are among the finalists in the international Chouteau Greenway Design Competition, which aims to connect dozens of cultural and educational institutions from Forest Park to the Arch. Washington University is a partner in the greenway project.
Collaborative by design

Collaborative by design

Stephanie Beamer, Crystal Ellis and Hillary Petrie, all 2006 architecture graduates, became friends and collaborators while students at Washington University. Now, they run the award-winning furniture design company Egg Collective in New York City.
Water, water, everywhere

Water, water, everywhere

Water is the key to life. But for city planners, water poses a profound question. How do we ensure residents a constant supply of fresh, clean water while also protecting vulnerable areas from flooding? This week, design professionals from around the country will gather in St. Louis for the ninth annual XTreme LA (Landscape Architecture) Challenge, hosted by the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts.
New work by Heather Bennett at Bruno David

New work by Heather Bennett at Bruno David

“Photos of Gifts,” a new exhibition by Heather Bennett, lecturer in art in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, is on view through Nov. 11 at the Bruno David Gallery, 7513 Forsyth Blvd.
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