An Olin professor’s win-win idea

An Olin professor’s win-win idea

Glenn MacDonald had an idea. In May 2020, a group of  St. Louis business owners formed the STL Small Business Task Force to address the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on small to mid-sized businesses. They invited MacDonald, the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics and Strategy at Olin Business School, to join. MacDonald, who has […]
Journal names Kouvelis editor-in-chief

Journal names Kouvelis editor-in-chief

Panos Kouvelis, director of The Boeing Center for Supply Chain Innovation and the Emerson Distinguished Professor of Operations and Manufacturing Management at Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis, has been appointed editor-in-chief of Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management.
Price is ripe: Study finds increase in menu prices means decrease in restaurant ratings

Price is ripe: Study finds increase in menu prices means decrease in restaurant ratings

Businesses beware: A price increase for carryout or delivery food means an increase in negative reviews — and a downturn in restaurant reputation, if not demand. And it’s notable that in these COVID-19 pandemic times, an exponential amount of business is being conducted via carryout or delivery. A pair of business researchers, from Washington University […]
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