Groundbreaking optical device could enhance optical information processing, computers

At St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, a section of the dome called the Whispering Gallery makes a whisper audible from the other side of the dome as a result of the way sound waves travel around the curved surface. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have used the same phenomenon to build an optical device that may lead to new and more powerful computers that run faster and cooler.
Robots on Mars

Robots on Mars

Before his Assembly Series talk, Adam Steltzner, a NASA engineer in charge of the Mars Curiosity rover landing, met with WUSTL students and discussed their entry for NASA’s Robotic Mining Competition.

IDEA Labs Demo Day April 18​​​

IDEA Labs will host its second annual Demo Day April 18. Medical and engineering students from the Medical and Danforth campuses will demonstrate prototypes for inventions they created to solve a variety of health-care problems.

University launches Our Washington, Together We Make a Difference, the faculty and staff component of Leading Together

This week, WUSTL launches Our Washington, Together We Make a Difference, the faculty and staff component of Leading Together: The Campaign for Washington University. All employees are asked to contribute to the school, program or fund that matters most to them. The money will fund scholarships, endow professorships, build new facilities and support research.
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