CSD research informs New York City’s new child savings accounts

The mayor of New York has announced a new child savings account to help thousands of New York City public school children save for college. City officials relied on research from the Center for Social Development at the Brown School to develop the three-year pilot program, which starts next fall.
Election 2016 from Washington University’s view

Election 2016 from Washington University’s view

At a transformative moment in our nation’s history, when America’s “Brexit vote” came to pass, where better than Washington University to bring together the thought leaders and experts from disparate fields covering the littered landscape that was, is and forever will be Election 2016?
Veteran in Brown School helps other vets help themselves

Veteran in Brown School helps other vets help themselves

Veteran and Brown School student James Petersen is organizing the biggest Veterans Day event in recent university history featuring panel of combat veterans and an address by U.S. Sen. Claire. McCaskill. After serving in Iraq’s infamous Abu Ghraib prison, Petersen suffered from PTSD. The therapy he received inspired him to earn his master in social work so he can help other veterans.
Brownson receives APHA Award for Excellence

Brownson receives APHA Award for Excellence

Ross Brownson, the Bernard Becker Professor at the Brown School and director of the Prevention Research Center, has received the American Public Health Association Award for Excellence for his work as a scholar, leader and public-health practitioner.
Students offer ideas to fight gun violence

Students offer ideas to fight gun violence

Washington University in St. Louis’ Institute for Public Health recently hosted a student Public Health Challenge, in partnership with the Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship. During the event, teams of students developed social and entrepreneurial concepts designed to reduce gun violence in St. Louis.
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