WashU Expert: What happens if ACA is eliminated?

WashU Expert: What happens if ACA is eliminated?

The Trump administration said this week that the whole Affordable Care Act should be struck down in the courts. Doing so would have profound implications on health care and the economy, says an expert on health economics at Washington University in St. Louis.
Home-based lifestyle intervention minimizes maternal weight gain

Home-based lifestyle intervention minimizes maternal weight gain

Weight gain during pregnancy and postpartum are important causes of long-term weight gain and the development of obesity-related diseases among women. A new study from Washington University in St. Louis finds providing a home-based lifestyle intervention effectively minimizes excess maternal weight gain during pregnancy and through 12-months postpartum in underserved African American women with obesity.
Peacock awarded VFW-SVA fellowship

Peacock awarded VFW-SVA fellowship

Angela Peacock, a student at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis, is among 10 students nationwide to be awarded a Veterans of Foreign Wars-Student Veterans of America Legislative Fellowship, a semester-long academic experience. 
WashU Expert: Want to stop e-cig epidemic? Don’t forget state, local policies

WashU Expert: Want to stop e-cig epidemic? Don’t forget state, local policies

Tobacco control experts at Washington University in St. Louis would welcome a crackdown on e-cigarette commercials on television and radio. But advertising restrictions, as recently suggested by a member of the Federal Communications Commission, are just one way to curb the vaping epidemic among America’s youth, said Doug Luke, professor at the Brown School and director of the Center for Public Health Systems Science.
Sanders Thompson appointed to Missouri Foundation for Health

Sanders Thompson appointed to Missouri Foundation for Health

Vetta Sanders Thompson, the E. Desmond Lee Professor of Racial and Ethnic Diversity at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis, has been appointed to the Missouri Foundation for Health, which works with communities and nonprofits to improve the health of Missourians.
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