WashU Expert: Play it again, Uncle Sam

WashU Expert: Play it again, Uncle Sam

Rick and Ilsa, “Casablanca’s” ill-fated lovers, will always have Paris. Uncle Sam will always have Kabul. And Saigon. And Baghdad. In the long-running tragedy of American foreign entanglements, Uncle Sam has become less a hapless romantic idealist and more a cynical “love ’em and leave ’em” serial abuser, says veteran filmmaker Richard Chapman.
For larger, older trees, it’s all downhill from here

For larger, older trees, it’s all downhill from here

Jonathan Myers, associate professor of biology in Arts & Sciences, and William Farfan-Rios, a postdoctoral research fellow of the Living Earth Collaborative at Washington University, are co-authors of a study that found that trees’ fecundity — or physical potential to reproduce — peaked or plateaued as they reached an intermediate size.
Afghanistan crisis was a predictable catastrophe

Afghanistan crisis was a predictable catastrophe

Without international pressure, the power-sharing agreement between Kabul and the Taliban was doomed, according to research by William Nomikos, assistant professor of political science in Arts & Sciences. But the political cost of continued occupation was too great.

Postdoc wins training grant

Joe Rowles, a postdoctoral research associate working with Gary Patti in chemistry in Arts & Sciences, won a Molecular Oncology Training Grant to support his participation in the Siteman Cancer Center’s Cancer Biology Pathway Program.
Pakrasi to work on positive  farming effort

Pakrasi to work on positive farming effort

Himadri Pakrasi, the George William and Irene Koechig Freiberg Professor in biology in Arts & Sciences, received a $75,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to support greenhouse gas reduction initiatives.
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