Chancellor’s Concert auditions Jan. 19-25

The Washington University Choirs will host open auditions today through Monday, Jan. 25, for the 2016 Chancellor’s Concert. Presented by the Department of Music in Arts & Sciences, the Chancellor’s Concert is among the university’s largest annual events.
Antibiotics: Thinking outside the vial

Antibiotics: Thinking outside the vial

Given that antibiotics are losing effectiveness faster than we are finding replacements for them, chemist Timothy Wencewicz in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis suggests a new approach. Drugs that hobble the production of virulence factors — small molecules that help bacteria to establish an infection in a host — would put much less selective pressure on bacteria and delay resistance.
The secret life of bee genes

The secret life of bee genes

Genes inherited from mothers (matrigenes) and fathers (patrigenes) usually work harmoniously in the offspring. However, kin selection theory predicts these genes may be in conflict in interactions among relatives in which they are unequally represented (half-siblings). In honey bees, patrigenes are predicted to favor daughters that lay eggs themselves rather than remaining sterile and rearing their half-sisters’ offspring. An experimental test bears out this prediction.
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