Statistically sound

Statistically sound

A National Science Foundation-funded workshop recently brought more than 75 statistics researchers to the Danforth Campus. Organized by Todd Kuffner of Arts & Sciences, this is the third year the event has been hosted at the university, and the first since math changed its name this summer to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
The Divided City 2022 wins $1 million grant

The Divided City 2022 wins $1 million grant

Over the past four years, The Divided City, an urban humanities initiative at Washington University in St. Louis, has supported dozens of projects exploring the effects of spatial segregation. This fall, the university will launch a second phase, The Divided City 2022, thanks to a $1 million grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
The complicated social life of primates

The complicated social life of primates

Anyone who peruses relationship settings on social media knows that our interactions with other humans can be complicated, but a new study in Nature Scientific Reports suggests that researchers may be overlooking some of these same complexities in the social relations of our closest primate relatives, such as chimpanzees and macaques.
‘The Curren(t)cy of Frankenstein’

‘The Curren(t)cy of Frankenstein’

Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” is a thrilling adventure but also a prescient guidebook to the moral and ethical dilemmas of 20th and 21st century medicine. On Sept. 28-30, Washington University in St. Louis’ School of Medicine and College of Arts & Sciences will present a three-day forum exploring Shelley’s novel through the lens of contemporary medical practice.

Memorial for Zishan (Simoner) Zhao scheduled for Sept. 22

A memorial service in honor of Zishan (Simoner) Zhao will take place at 11 a.m. Sept. 22 in Brown Hall Lounge. A reception will follow at 12:15 p.m. in Brown Hall. Zhao, a rising junior in Arts & Sciences, died June 2 in North Carolina.
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