Obituary: Robert L. Williams II, founding director of Black Studies program, 90
Robert L. Williams II, professor emeritus of psychological and brain sciences and founding director of Washington University’s Black Studies program (now the Department of African & African-American Studies) in Arts & Sciences, died Aug. 12, 2020. He was 90.
Jolliff awarded Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal
Bradley Jolliff, the Scott Rudolph Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences in Arts & Sciences and director of the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, has been awarded the 2020 Eugene Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal by NASA’s Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute, recognizing significant contributions to planetary science throughout his career.
COVID-19 human milk studies should continue without stopping breastfeeding, researchers say
It is not easy to conduct human milk research during a pandemic. Yet despite the consistent lack of quality evidence for transmission of viral RNA from breast milk, some leaders are pushing ahead by altering public health and clinical practice guidance, according to E.A. Quinn, associate professor of biological anthropology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis.
Spilling ‘Boundaries’
Rob Morgan, in Arts & Sciences, shares the story of how he steered the Beyond Boundaries Program — in its first cohort in 2019-2020 — to roll with the challenges of COVID-19. Embracing resiliency and creativity, Morgan and the program pivoted, creating a podcast to bridge the digital divide.
Loomis wins American Chemical Society’s 2020 Saint Louis Award
Richard Loomis, professor of chemistry in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, won the American Chemical Society’s 2020 Saint Louis Section Award.
Meet the hedge fund managers of avian world
Carlos Botero, assistant professor of biology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, finds that parasitic birds living in more variable and unpredictable habitats tend to hedge their bets by laying eggs in the nests of a greater variety and number of hosts. The study is published Aug. 21 in Nature Communications.
Henriksen lands CAREER grant to chase electron effects
The behavior of electrons determines the fundamental properties of any material, such as its ability to conduct electricity. Erik Henriksen, assistant professor of physics in Arts & Sciences, takes advantage of strange-but-true qualities of graphene to search for correlated motion of electrons.
Lester’s book on eating disorders wins Victor Turner Prize
Rebecca J. Lester, professor of sociocultural anthropology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, won a 2020 Victor Turner Prize in Ethnographic Writing for her book, “Famished: Eating Disorders and Failed Care in America.”
Why are the humanities integral to the Climate Change Program at Washington University in St. Louis?
Writing in my bedroom office under a stay-at-home order, the coronavirus is reminding me and the world of our interconnectedness and our humanity. We as individuals and as communities—local, national and global—are asking ourselves: How are we adjusting to a new normal? How are we understanding each other and our needs, both individually and collectively?
100 years after ratification
Four faculty members share their thoughts on the complicated history of the women’s suffrage movement, the ratification of the 19th Amendment, and their hopes for what we might do today to honor the anniversary.
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