Religion and the 2020 election

Religion and the 2020 election

According to Lerone A. Martin, director of American Culture Studies and associate professor of religion and politics and of African and African-American studies, all in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, modern evangelical voters have supported political candidates for myriad reasons, not all of which are in line with traditional Christian values.
Dutton and Riker win Golden Colophon award

Dutton and Riker win Golden Colophon award

Dorothy, the small-press publishing project led by Danielle Dutton, associate professor of English in Arts & Sciences, and Martin Riker, senior lecturer in English, has won a Golden Colophon Award for Paradigm Independent Publishing from the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses.
Sicker livestock may increase climate woes

Sicker livestock may increase climate woes

Climate change is affecting the spread and severity of infectious diseases around the world — and infectious diseases may in turn be contributing to climate change, according to new research from Washington University’s Living Earth Collaborative working group led by biologist Amanda Koltz in Arts & Sciences.
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