Student, alum win prestigious road safety award

Student, alum win prestigious road safety award

LFR International, a nonprofit founded by Zach Eisner, a senior studying biomedical engineering at the McKelvey School of Engineering, and Peter Delaney, a 2018 alumnus, received the prestigious Prince Michael International Road Safety Award for its work in sub-Saharan Africa. 
Increase in Head Start funding ‘a national priority’

Increase in Head Start funding ‘a national priority’

Increased funding for Head Start — the largest federally funded, early childhood development program in the United States — is needed to support families during the COVID-19 recession and to ensure a more stable economic recovery, according to research involving a sociologist at Washington University in St. Louis.
A recipe for protein footprinting

A recipe for protein footprinting

By publishing their method in the journal Nature Protocols, chemists including Michael Gross, who has a joint appointment in Arts & Sciences and the School of Medicine, have opened doors for fellow scientists to better address research questions related to Alzheimer’s disease, the COVID-19 pandemic and more.
Building better vaccines for the elderly

Building better vaccines for the elderly

Meredith Jackrel, in Arts & Sciences, studies protein misfolding and how it leads to disease. She is collaborating with Jai Rudra at the McKelvey School of Engineering to develop amyloid-inspired vaccine technologies specifically tailored for seniors. The approach could be relevant to COVID-19 as the elderly are particularly susceptible to its severe complications.
Catalano named mineralogical society fellow

Catalano named mineralogical society fellow

Jeff Catalano, professor of earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences, was elected a fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America. The honor recognizes Catalano’s outstanding contributions to the advancement of the fields of mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry and petrology.
‘Remember… That Time Before the Last Time’

‘Remember… That Time Before the Last Time’

Protest and contagion. George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. Anti-maskers and contact tracing. In “Remember… That Time Before the Last Time,” students from the Performing Arts Department in Arts & Sciences join forces with Ron Himes and The Black Rep to reflect on the year that has been and to explore their own experiences of social protest, law enforcement, COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement.
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