Xiang Tang, professor of mathematics in Arts & Sciences, has received a $45,000 grant from the National Science Foundation in support of a conference titled “A Noncommutative Geometry Festival in Shanghai.”
Todd E. Druley, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the School of Medicine, received a $100,000 award from the Kellsie’s Hope Foundation to fund scholarships and support research on sequencing genes related to pediatric cancers.
Erik Herzog, professor of biology in Arts & Sciences, received $227,000 from the March of Dimes Transdisciplinary Center in support of research on premature deliveries. Herzog also received $38,000 in funding from the Hope Center for Neurological Disorders for research on “Dissecting Downstream SCN Neural Circuits in Sleep and Arousal.”
Hani Zaher, assistant professor of biology in Arts & Sciences, received a $400,000 award from the Siteman Cancer Center for a project titled “RNA as a Target of Alkylation Chemotherapy in Cancer.”