Crum’s scholarship explores the relationship between voting rights, race and federalism. His current projects examine the Fifteenth Amendment as an independent constitutional provision and the role of racially polarized voting in redistricting.
Crum’s work on the Voting Rights Act’s bail-in provision was described by the Wall Street Journal as the “blueprint” for the “Obama administration’s new legal strategy to preserve decades of minority-voting rights” in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby County v. Holder striking down the VRA’s coverage formula. His work has also been discussed in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and MSNBC. He is a frequent contributor to the Election Law Blog and Take Care.
On Monday, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Louisiana v. Callais, a Shaw challenge to Louisiana’s congressional redistricting plan. This is the first time the Court will hear a voting rights case since Justice Thomas shocked the voting rights community with his renunciation of Shaw in Alexander v. South Carolina Conference of the NAACP, writes Travis Crum.
Joshua Douglas’s sterling new book examines the most important Supreme Court cases on voting rights in the last 50 years and how we can correct this “hard turn toward anti-democracy,” writes Travis Crum.
If the Eighth Circuit is going to re-write the VRA’s jurisdictional provisions, it should have assured itself that it had authority to hear this case, writes Travis Crum, associate professor of law.
In the shadow of recent debates over whether Trump is disqualified from being president under Section Three of the 14th Amendment, the possibility of a Speaker Trump might help settle one of the core disputes of the 2024 presidential election, writes Travis Crum.
As I have argued since before Shelby County invalidated the VRA’s coverage formula, Section 3(c) provides a court-centric and constitutional approach to re-imposing federal oversight of State and local voting changes, writes the School of Law’s Travis Crum.
Overall, the newest version of the VRAA goes far beyond prior drafts in amending Section 2 and is a clear rebuke of both Shelby County and Brnovich. Now we shall see if it has any chance of surviving the Senate, writes Travis Crum, associate professor of law.
After the contentious 2020 presidential election, Washington University in St. Louis faculty experts offer their predictions and perspectives on the legal battle ensuing, the election process, the transition of power and the future for both President-elect Joe Biden’s administration and President Donald Trump’s.
In light of President Trump’s recent attacks on the United States Postal Service, Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act should be revised to prohibit racial discrimination in voting by the federal government, says a Washington University in St. Louis expert on voting rights.
Four faculty members share their thoughts on the complicated history of the women’s suffrage movement, the ratification of the 19th Amendment, and their hopes for what we might do today to honor the anniversary.