Erik Herzog studies the molecules, cells and circuits that underlie daily rhythms in physiology and behavior. He has discovered a wide array of the mechanisms underlying how circadian clocks regulate physiology, behavior and health.
Herzog’s research is focused on: determining how neurons release neuropeptides that synchronize circadian cells; testing the role of maternal and fetal circadian tissues in timing birth; establishing the ionic basis for daily rhythms in neuronal excitability; and mapping the connections and cell types that underlie daily rhythms as a function of age, sex and the seasons. He has also collaborated with researchers at the School of Medicine on a retrospective study that shows that the timing of chemotherapy could improve treatment for deadly brain cancer.
Herzog has served as the president of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms and the director of the St. Louis Neuroscience Pipeline, a National Institutes of Health-funded initiative to increase diversity in the neurosciences.
Although there is strong support from the public and research communities for ending the biannual time changes, the question is, what’s the best alternative: permanent standard time or daylight saving time (DST)? Unfortunately, the Sunshine Protection Act mandates permanent DST, writes Erik Herzog, the Viktor Hamburger Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences.
A one-hour adjustment to the clock on the wall may not sound dramatic. But our biological clock begs to differ, according to biologist Erik Herzog in Arts & Sciences.
Glioblastoma is an aggressive, incurable brain cancer that is the most common malignant brain tumor in adults. New research from Washington University in St. Louis shows that glioblastoma has an internal clock and syncs its daily rhythms to match — and take advantage of — the rhythms of its host.
Tweaking the numbers of receptors in a key brain area changes the daily rhythms of rest and wake in mice, according to research led by Daniel Granados-Fuentes in Arts & Sciences, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
A five-year nearly $2 million project led by biologist Erik Herzog in Arts & Sciences will use machine learning and other tools to improve understanding of how the brain is organized as a network of synchronized circadian cells.
Erik Herzog, professor of biology in Arts & Sciences, studies the molecules, cells and circuits of mammalian circadian timing. He also supports and encourages younger neuroscience researchers, from elementary school all the way through doctoral programs.
The movement to abolish clock-time changes each spring and fall is growing — and so is the scientific evidence. Experts say perennial standard time, or “wintertime,” is the best and safest option for public health.
With a strong focus on community, the undergraduate pipeline program ENDURE at Washington University in St. Louis prepares students from diverse backgrounds for neuroscience doctoral programs.
By activating a small subset of the neurons involved in setting daily rhythms, biologist Erik Herzog in Arts & Sciences has unlocked a cure for jet lag in mice, as reported in a July 12 advance online publication of Neuron.
The century-old government convention of daylight saving time takes effect this weekend, but it can be hard for our bodies to handle. Washington University circadian rhythm expert Erik Herzog offers some tips to help us adjust.
Star-shaped cells called astrocytes, long considered boring, “support cells,” are finally coming into their own. To everyone’s surprise they even play an important role in the body’s master clock, which schedules everything from the release of hormones to the onset of sleepiness.
Fireflies use oscillation to communicate on the same wavelength. An engineer at Washington University in St. Louis has developed a new waveform that can control chemical oscillation in the lab. This finding could lead to better understanding of oscillation as it pertains to heart pacemakers, the brain’s neural patterns and even jet lag.
People often feel draggy the day after they have to set
their clocks forward in the spring but often shrug off that feeling as
trivial. In fact, says Erik Herzog, PhD, a neuroscientist at Washington
University in St. Louis, who studies biological clocks, jamming our
biological clocks into reverse, as daylight savings time does, has
serious consequences.