A member of the Illinois and Missouri Bars, Elizabeth Hubertz is an accomplished litigator, teaching and supervising law and undergraduate students as they handle environmental cases. She also teaches Pretrial Practice and Settlement and Environmental Law in the School of Law, as well as Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Elizabeth Hubertz
Director of the Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic and Assistant Professor of Practice at the School of Law
Contact Information
- Phone: 935-8760
- Email: ejhubertz@wustl.edu
- Website: Website
Media Contact
WashU Experts on the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement
Washington University in St. Louis climate change experts react to the Trump administration decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.
Class Acts: Managing the flow
For Tim Briscoe, JD candidate in the School of Law, the Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic offered a unique opportunity to learn about the Missouri River — and make a case for “two birds and a fish.”