Contact the Office of Public Affairs for assistance with expert interviews. or 314-935-4333

Arpita Bose
Associate Professor of Biology in Arts & Sciences

Elizabeth Hubertz
Director of the Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic and Assistant Professor of Practice at the School of Law

Tristram R. “T.R.” Kidder
Edward S. and Tedi Macias Professor of Anthropology

Bronwen Konecky
Assistant Professor, Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences

Randall Martin
Professor of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering

Beth Martin
Teaching Professor in Environmental Studies, Interim Director of Washington University Climate Change Program

Roger Michaelides
Assistant Professor of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences in Arts & Sciences

Douglas Wiens
Robert S. Brookings Distinguished Professor & Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences

Michael Wysession
Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences