Corporate America endorses responsibility, values

Corporate America endorses responsibility, values

CEOs belonging to the Business Roundtable publicly committed to corporate responsibility to society as a whole, “a huge statement from one of the most influential groups in American business,” says a Washington University in St. Louis expert in values-based business.
WashU Expert: How to save the Supreme Court

WashU Expert: How to save the Supreme Court

During the July 30 Democratic presidential debate, candidate Pete Buttigieg renewed his calls to “depoliticize the Supreme Court with structural reform.” Buttigieg has endorsed a Supreme Court reform proposal offered by Daniel Epps, associate professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis.
On Apollo legacy, and why we should return to the moon

On Apollo legacy, and why we should return to the moon

Humans have already learned much from the very first moon samples collected by the Apollo program astronauts. As NASA plans for its next manned mission by 2024, a leading lunar expert shares his science priorities for the return: “We need to learn how to live and work off Earth and beyond the low Earth orbit.”
Latest Trump asylum change is illegal

Latest Trump asylum change is illegal

Attorney General William Barr announced July 15 a new Trump Administration plan, effective the next day, barring Central American immigrants from seeking asylum in the United States unless they seek it first in other Central American countries, a move that a Washington University in St. Louis immigration expert says “violates the clear language of the law.”
WashU Expert: Immigration architecture and the border

WashU Expert: Immigration architecture and the border

Images of children locked in prison-like conditions have sparked heated debates about U.S. immigration policy, the role of the built environment, and the line between legitimate security and intentional cruelty. But underlying such debates is a simple question: “Is it possible to design a border architecture that is welcoming rather than foreboding?”
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