Researchers win ALS grant
Aaron DiAntonio, Joseph Bloom and Jeffrey Milbrandt, all at the School of Medicine, received a two-year $300,000 grant from the ALS Finding a Cure and the Leandro P. Rizzuto Foundation.
Antes, McIntosh to advance researcher management practices
Alison Antes and Tristan McIntosh at the School of Medicine received a $2.1 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to support a project to advance early-career researcher excellence through leadership and management practices.
Cohen to study gene expression
Barak A. Cohen, at the School of Medicine, received a four-year $1.28 million grant from the National Institutes of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study gene expression.
Semenkovich to study vascular diseases
Clay F. Semenkovich, MD, at the School of Medicine, received a four-year $1.53 million grant from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for vascular disease research.
Craver wins National Science Foundation grant
Carl F. Craver, a professor of philosophy and of philosophy-neuroscience-psychology in Arts & Sciences, has won a grant of $282,603 from the National Science Foundation for research on time and episodic memory.
Mondal wins NSF grants
Mathematician Debashis Mondal in Arts & Sciences received two grants from the National Science Foundation for research on high-dimensional data and on Markov random fields.
Parai wins CAREER grant to study geochemistry of the deep Earth
Rita Parai, assistant professor of earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences, will use a National Science Foundation CAREER award to leverage new techniques to measure heavy noble gases in ocean island basalts from the Azores archipelago.
Low-cost, 3D printed device may broaden focused ultrasound use
WashU’s Hong Chen and her team have developed a method for producing a low-cost, easy-to-use focused ultrasound device that can help open up the blood-brain barrier for non-invasive procedures and diagnostics.
Jansen receives NIH grant
Silvia Jansen at the School of Medicine received a five-year $1.65 million grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for research titled “Regulation of membrane trafficking by coronins.”
Valdez to help promote diversity in health research
Ryan Valdez, a graduate student working with Petra Levin in Arts & Sciences, won a $105,033 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to promote diversity in health-related research.
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