A clear voice on millennia-old mysteries

A clear voice on millennia-old mysteries

For nearly three decades, the Weltin Lecture Fund has enabled the Religious Studies Program and Assembly Series to bring renowned scholars of religion to the university. In spring 2018, Elaine Pagels delivered the lecture, sharing her riveting discoveries on art and politics in the Book of Revelation.
ROTC celebrates 100 years at WashU

ROTC celebrates 100 years at WashU

Fifty years ago, students across the nation fiercely debated whether the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) programs belonged on college campuses. Today, Washington University in St. Louis Provost Holden Thorp says there is no better place.
Bygone WashU quiz

Bygone WashU quiz

Washington University in St. Louis has been around since 1853. With 165 years of history, the institution has seen many changes to student life. How well do you know WashU’s bygone traditions?
Battling cancer on two wheels

Battling cancer on two wheels

With a PhD in business, you might not expect Chris Boerner, AB ’93,  to be fighting cancer. Yet as head of international markets at Bristol-Myers Squibb, he works to bring life-saving immuno-oncology cancer drugs to international markets. In his free time, Boerner participates in two bike rides that raise more than $1 million annually for cancer research.
Breakfast with Ovid

Breakfast with Ovid

John and Penelope Biggs met in Latin class. Six decades later, their love for classics is still going strong. In April, leading scholars from around the country will present their work as part of the Biggs Family Residency Reunion.
Winning ways

Winning ways

The passing of Title IX in 1972 set the stage for the growth of women’s athletics across the country. Today, Washington University female student-athletes compete in 10 intercollegiate sports. And they hold 19 of WashU’s 22 NCAA Division III national championships, with the string of championships starting in 1989.
Leading with diversity

Leading with diversity

One proud chapter of Washington University’s history is the founding of The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management. Since 1966, the consortium has been driving diversity in business education and corporate leadership across the country.
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