Event to feature global risk expert

Event to feature global risk expert

A renowned foreign policy expert will visit Washington University in St. Louis next week to discuss the current political climate in Asia. Michael R. Auslin will present the S.T. Lee Endowed Lectureship Wednesday, Oct. 11, in Hillman Hall.
Provost Thorp joins Rework America Task Force

Provost Thorp joins Rework America Task Force

Washington University Provost Holden Thorp is among the business, technology, labor, policy and academic leaders tapped to join the Rework America Task Force, a coalition that aims to modernize the nation’s labor market and unlock economic opportunity for American job seekers, workers and businesses.
‘Topographic Memory’

‘Topographic Memory’

In “Topographic Memory,” architect Bruce Lindsey, of the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, explores how we interpret both photography and the natural world.
Fail Better with Thi Nguyen

Fail Better with Thi Nguyen

With a PhD in neuroscience, Thi Nguyen aspired to earn a tenure-track position and run her own lab. But events both good and bad led her to a new career path. Today, she is associate dean for graduate career and professional development at the Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis, where she helps students prepare for a job market where tenure-track jobs are few but demand for highly educated workers is high.
Creating longer-lasting fuel cells

Creating longer-lasting fuel cells

Fuel cells could someday generate electricity for nearly any device that’s battery-powered, including automobiles, laptops and cellphones. An engineering team at Washington University in St. Louis has developed a new way to take a look inside these fuel cells, in an effort to extend their lifespans.
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