WashU Dance Theatre in Edison Dec. 1-3

WashU Dance Theatre in Edison Dec. 1-3

“WUDT’sNEXT” will take place in Edison Theatre Dec. 1-3. The performance will feature original works by visiting choreographers Leslie Cuyjet and Mike Esperanza and faculty choreographers Antonio Douthit-Boyd, Elinor Harrison and David Marchant.
Video: ‘Adam Pendleton: To Divide By’

Video: ‘Adam Pendleton: To Divide By’

“Things are always happening at once,” Adam Pendleton said. “I want the paintings to be like that.” In this video, Pendleton, one of the most celebrated visual artists of his generation, talks about his artistic process and how painting echoes the movement of the body.
Separating out signals recorded at the seafloor

Separating out signals recorded at the seafloor

Research from Washington University in St. Louis shows that variations in pyrite sulfur isotopes may not represent global processes. A new microanalysis approach helps to separate out signals that reveal the relative influence of microbes and that of local climate.
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