Parking permit rates for 2018-19 announced

Parking permit rates for 2018-19 announced

Washington University in St. Louis announced pricing for those interested in purchasing parking permits for the 2018-19 academic year as well as updates to two alternative transportation offerings, the Bearly Drivers Carpool and the Occasional Parking Program.
Woofter selected as inaugural Sam and Marilyn Fox Professor

Woofter selected as inaugural Sam and Marilyn Fox Professor

Heather Woofter has been selected as the inaugural Sam and Marilyn Fox Professor in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis. An installation ceremony will take place next fall. Woofter, co-director of the St. Louis-based firm Axi:Ome llc, was appointed director of the Sam Fox School’s College of Architecture and Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design in 2017. She has been a member of the architecture faculty since 2004.
Class Acts: An innovation mindset

Class Acts: An innovation mindset

How Peter Delaney, who will graduate from Washington University with a degree in global health and the environment in Arts & Sciences, turned a passion for innovation and medicine into an emergency medical system for an African community. And that’s just some of what he did as a student here.
Video: What are your odds of going into poverty?

Video: What are your odds of going into poverty?

Mark Rank, the Herbert S. Hadley Professor of Social Welfare at the Brown School, has developed a calculator that can determine for the first time an American’s expected risk of poverty based on their race, education level, gender, marital status and age. Here’s a video that explains how.
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