Meaningful entertainment

Meaningful entertainment

Documentary filmmaker and The Daily Show senior producer Sara Taksler’s, AB ’01, latest film, Tickling Giants, is about how political satire shook the halls of power in Egypt after the Arab Spring.
A position with agency

A position with agency

Andrew McCabe, JD ’93, was always interested in criminal law but an internship he had while a law student at WashU convinced him to become an FBI agent. After a long career that’s including busting up crime rings and fighting terrorists, he’s been named deputy director of one of the nation’s top security organizations.
Affordable couture

Affordable couture

When Louisa Rechter, AB ’09, and Alessandra Perez-Rubio, BFA ’09, couldn’t find designer, black-tie attire at a price point they could afford, they decided to create their own line. Mestiza New York, a fashion line blends Filipino and American style, is the happy result.
Exploring space, together

Exploring space, together

Dante Lauretta, PhD ’97, mission chief, and Kate Crombie, PhD ’97, project data archivist, are a husband-and-wife team working on NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission.
From debate volunteer to debate insider

From debate volunteer to debate insider

In 2004, Arden Farhi, AB ’07, was a student volunteer for the Bush-Kerry debate. He was assigned to work with CBS and knew he’d found his calling. Now he travels the country and the world producing segments for CBS News’ chief White House correspondent.