COVID-19 antibody tests evaluated as diagnostic test in low-resource settings
Faculty at the Washington University School of Medicine have joined an international effort led by the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics and the World Health Organization (WHO) to evaluate COVID-19 antibody tests for use as diagnostics in places with limited resources.
Oral antibiotics work, shorten hospital stays for IV drug users with infections
A combination of IV and oral antibiotics can effectively treat invasive infections in people who inject illicit drugs, according to a study from Washington University School of Medicine. The findings mean that patients can leave the hospital and complete taking their prescribed antibiotics at home.
Previously undetected brain pulses may help circuits survive disuse, injury
A neuroscientist’s arm cast led him and fellow School of Medicine researchers to find previously undetected neuronal pulses in the human brain that activate after an immobilizing illness or injury. The pulses appeared on MRI scans used to measure brain activity.
How an invention gets out of the lab and into the world
Life-changing innovations continue to emerge from the university thanks to creative faculty research, cross-collaboration and the aid of the Office of Technology Management.
Scientists map how human retinal cells relay information to brain
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine report that specific types of retinal cells that carry the vast majority of visual signals from the human retina to the brain efficiently process and compress that information so it can be transferred. The study may advance our understanding of eye diseases involving the retina.
Patients with COVID-19 donate specimens to advance research efforts
School of Medicine physicians led efforts to create a repository for storing and managing specimens collected from patients with COVID-19. The samples are being distributed to investigators conducting COVID-19 research across the university.
COVID-19 mouse model will speed search for drugs, vaccines
Scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine have developed a mouse model of COVID-19 that is expected to speed up the search for drugs and vaccines for the potentially deadly disease.
Explaining push to ‘defund police’
In the wake of national protests following the death of George Floyd, some activists are calling on cities to defund their police departments. But what does that mean exactly? Robert Motley, a PhD candidate in the Brown School and manager of the Race & Opportunity Lab at Washington University in St. Louis, explained it’s more of a reallocation of funds for public safety and health.
Scientists generate early stem cells that form human placenta
Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine have developed a way to guide human stem cells into becoming important precursor cells that give rise to the placenta. These stem cells could help scientists understand miscarriage or preeclampsia.
Medical students assist health departments in tracking COVID-19
More than 100 School of Medicine students have been volunteering to help local health departments perform case investigations and contact tracing, essential public health strategies to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.
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