Mystery in Louisiana

Mystery in Louisiana

Lately it’s been fashionable to say that hunter-gatherers lived better than we do. They had more free time, they followed more natural sleep cycles, and so on. But is our picture of hunter-gatherer society right? A giant earth mound in Louisiana suggests we know less than we think. Washington University anthropologist Tristram R. Kidder explains.
Smelling DNA

Smelling DNA

What do you do if you are trying to save a very rare and shy animal? How do you even find them? Anthropologist Joseph Orkin, PhD ’14, called in Pinkerton. No, not the detective agency, the dog.
Hidden Talents of the Color Blind

Hidden Talents of the Color Blind

Think being color blind is a disadvantage? Washington University anthropologist Amanda Melin says don’t be so sure. Color blindness actually may give some animals, and people, a competitive edge.

‘Man the Hunter’ theory is debunked in new book

You wouldn’t know it by current world events, but humans actually evolved to be peaceful, cooperative and social animals. In a new book, an anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis goes against the prevailing view and argues that primates, including early humans, evolved not as hunters but as prey of many predators, including wild dogs and cats, hyenas, eagles and crocodiles. Despite popular theories posed in research papers and popular literature, early man was not an aggressive killer, argues Robert W. Sussman, Ph.D., professor of anthropology in Arts & Sciences.
Romans are to blame for death of Jesus

Romans are to blame for death of Jesus

The soon to be released Mel Gibson movie “The Passion of The Christ” is creating quite a stir among religious experts, as well as lay people. Many say the movie has anti-Semitic overtones. But according to Frank K. Flinn, Ph.D., professor of religious studies at Washington University in St. Louis, the Jews had nothing to do with killing Jesus — the Romans are actually to blame.