Advocating for college access for immigrants

Advocating for college access for immigrants

Once undocumented, Brown’s Robert Sagastume is advocating for policies and laws that will help immigrants access higher education. Expanded access is a win-win for us all, Sagastume says. “Latinx people are very community oriented and often pursue careers in nursing and teaching — positions that are going unfilled in our state. Why wouldn’t you want to leverage all of that potential to benefit our state?”
Mentoring rural students

Mentoring rural students

James Schisler grew up 100 miles west of St. Louis in St. James, Mo., population 4,216. When only one-fifth of his high school class returned to college their sophomore year, Schisler was determined to find out why. He believes cohort programs, like the ones he belonged to, can help rural students access the support and resources they need.
Class Acts: Committed to cultural understanding

Class Acts: Committed to cultural understanding

Entering college, Haley Allen knew she wanted to join ROTC so she could be an officer in the U.S. Army. But an ROTC trip Tanzania sparked a passion for Swahili and East African culture and history. She graduates this month with a degree in international studies and hopes to serve in Africa after completing helicopter training at Fort Rucker, Alabama.
Class Acts: ‘We do research to help people’

Class Acts: ‘We do research to help people’

Guangming Zhao thought he just wanted to do basic research when he came to Washington University to work on his PhD. Then he discovered his mission: to help people. His goal is to create the best imaging sensor in the world that will ultimately be able to detect diseases that current ultrasound machines can’t.
Class Acts: Building resilient cities

Class Acts: Building resilient cities

Cities are both a leading cause and victim of global climate change, but they also hold great promise. In the first installment of Class Acts, a series celebrating the Class of 2019, seniors Marissa Lerner and Alexis Vidaurreta share their optimism and respective visions for cities that protect people and resources.
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