Review updated information security policies
The Washington University Office of Information Security has finalized its annual update of information security policies. The office also will offer events and resources during October, Cybersecurity Awareness Month, to keep the university community informed and secure.
NSF funds $15M institute for discovery of new materials
Two McKelvey School of Engineering faculty members will develop machine learning in the service of discovering new materials.
Farnsworth honored for excellence in clinical chemistry research
Christopher Farnsworth, assistant professor of pathology and immunology at Washington University School of Medicine, has received the 2021 George Grannis Award for Excellence in Research and Scientific Publication from the American Association for Clinical Chemistry.
Faculty, staff invited to join Veteran Ally Program
The Office of Military and Veteran Services is inviting faculty and staff to participate in its Veteran Ally Program. Sessions are scheduled Oct. 7 and Oct. 14.
Van Engen co-edits book on emotion in religion
Abram Van Engen, professor of English in Arts & Sciences, has co-edited a new collection of essays about religious feeling in early American history and literature.
Garcia receives NIH grants
Benjamin Garcia, head of biochemistry and molecular biophysics at the School of Medicine, along with Matthew D. Weitzman, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, received a five-year $2.9 million renewal grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for their research on epitranscriptomic mechanisms.
Pivot 314 Fellowship seeks doctoral student applicants
The Office of the Provost, in partnership with the Skandalaris Center, is now accepting doctoral student applications for the 2022 Pivot 314 fellowship program. The deadline is Nov. 1.
Memorial service celebrating the life of William H. Danforth to be held Oct. 2
A memorial service celebrating the life of Chancellor Emeritus William H. Danforth, MD, will be held at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 2, in Graham Chapel.
Chancellor’s Career Fellows build networks, explore careers
Many summer internships are unpaid or pay little. Chancellor Andrew D. Martin created a new program so more students, regardless of family income, can afford to have these meaningful career experiences.
College Prep Program accepting nominations
College Prep Program is accepting nominations for the next cohort of its innovative college readiness initiative. The nomination deadline is Oct. 15.
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