A strategic planning update
Provost Beverly Wendland shares an update on Washington University’s strategic planning process and invites the community to provide feedback on a draft overview of the vision.
Barch recognized for achievement, excellence
The Society for Research in Psychopathology has awarded its Joseph Zubin Lifetime Achievement Award to WashU’s Deanna Barch in recognition of her lifetime contributions to the understanding of the field.
Holehouse to study disordered proteins
Alex Holehouse at the School of Medicine, along with collaborators at Wageningen University and Research and the University of Toronto, received a three-year $1.1 million grant from Human Frontier Science Program to study disordered proteins.
University to launch Kessler Scholars Program for first-generation students
Washington University will launch a new cohort initiative, the Kessler Scholars Program, to recruit and support first-generation and Pell Grant-eligible STEM students who want to tackle societal challenges such as public health and climate change.
Mathematician Escobar wins CAREER grant
Laura Escobar Vega, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics in Arts & Sciences, won a Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation for her project “Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Flag Varieties, Toric Geometry and Applications.”
The View From Here 04.11.22
Images from on and around the Washington University campuses.
Leonard to lead pediatric otolaryngology division
David S. Leonard, MD, an associate professor of otolaryngology, has been selected to lead the Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine.
Bayly-led team to study mechanical strains, stresses in traumatic brain injury
The McKelvey School of Engineering’s Philip Bayly and a team of collaborators will study the mechanical causes behind traumatic brain injury using models and images.
Sotomayor shares wisdom and humor during Field House chat
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor still draws upon inspiration imparted by her mother and grandmother, she told a crowd of more than 3,000 students, faculty and staff during a question-and-answer session April 5 in the Field House.
Brooks to discuss pursuit of happiness, success
WashU and St. Louis business communities are invited to Olin Business School’s inaugural Brauer Lecture Series event, which will focus on how to find fulfillment through work within the free-enterprise system.
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