Bolton to depart university for Georgia Tech

Bolton to depart university for Georgia Tech

Shantay N. Bolton, executive vice chancellor for administration and chief administrative officer at Washington University in St. Louis, has been named executive vice president for administration and finance and chief business officer at the Georgia Institute of Technology, announced Chancellor Andrew D. Martin.
Carter to depart for role in North Carolina

Carter to depart for role in North Carolina

Dedric Carter is stepping down from his role as vice chancellor for innovation and chief commercialization officer at Washington University in St. Louis to take a position at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, according to Chancellor Andrew D. Martin. His appointment is effective Oct. 30.

Register for U-Passes, parking permits

Starting at 10 a.m. June 7, Danforth Campus employees can register for a U-Pass as well as purchase a 2023-24 Danforth Campus parking permit. WashU School of Medicine employees also can register for a U-Pass or Danforth Campus reciprocal parking permit.
Remembrance committee established, begins work

Remembrance committee established, begins work

Washington University has established the Committee to Examine Remembrance and Commemoration to evaluate professorships, buildings and other honors named for people to ensure such recognition aligns with the university’s values and, where needed, to confront history and to learn from the past.
University renews commitment to preventing sexual harassment

University renews commitment to preventing sexual harassment

Washington University is a member of the Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education, an initiative of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The university is committed to addressing and preventing sexual harassment and maintaining an environment where everyone can feel safe working and learning.
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